POsitive news
Positive Parties goes Global as our first PP Licensee takes our fun training company to Germany
The most exciting news! Positive Parties has gone GLOBAL…..the dream has come true and we now have our first Positive Parties Licensee in Gemany and she will also be taking Positive Parties to Austria and Switzerland too.
When you trust in the Divine Plan, it all comes together in Divine Time. And, it’s all happening, Positive Parties is now going Global! It’s the start of it and I am so excited.
Congratulations to the vibrant, loving, enthusiastic and beautiful soul Franziska Hein who is now a Positive Parties Licensee, taking this fun ‘Training With a Difference’ concept to Germany, Australia and Switzerland.
Franziska has been to 2 networking events since she arrived back in Germany on Monday evening!
Meanwhile, I took a break yesterday, as it’s been a hectic few weeks preparing everything for Franziska’s arrival and a ‘full on’ 3 and half days delivering the training.
Franziska took to the Positive Parties ethos of ‘making learning fun’ like ‘a duck to water.’ We had so many laughs over the weekend and some amazing synchronicities and conformations that we are totally aligned. ❤️
I am so delighted to have their gorgeous woman, inside and out, be part of the Positive Parties team and to launch the Licence in new countries.
Franziska was a mega hit with Neil, Emer & Orla and she even got to meet Neil’s mum & my parents too.
We also got to meet up with some of the Irish NEMS crew on the Saturday night and to finally meet in person the main man who brought us together, Martin McNicholl & his lovely wife Elisangela Paes Forever thankful for this connection.
The past couple of days I have had to pinch myself! Did that really happen? That dream I have had since the idea of Postive Parties was created, that it would be in other counties worldwide, planting seeds of inspiration, learning, love, fun & laugher into workplaces, schools and communities.
I know it’s one step at a time now to see how the Germans, Austrians & Swiss take to Positive Parties, but I have a feeling that with Franziska’s heart-centred & fun energy, it will really take off.
Please do wish Franziska all the best. And if you or your know of anyone you feel has what it takes to become a Postive Parties ‘Training With A Difference! Licensee, please message me and we can have a chat.
I am feeling truly thankful today for all the Divine connections, guidance & signs that have brought me to this point and Franziska and I together, as she launches as the first PP Licensee. When we take time to listen and follow our intuition, that’s when the magic happens. ❤️ xo
Positive Parties on Zoom and our PP Licensee Update
Positive Parties is living the dream at the minute as we ‘go global’ and introduce our inspirational and fun ways of teaching new tools and techniques of having a positive mindset and attitude, out into the world.
My daughter Orla, who loves to help out, posed for this photo, and I have convinced her that none of her classmates will go on this website! This was taken in our sun room, just before we went live on the first Positive Parties online webinar on Zoom. Positive Parties is normally delivered in person in workplaces, schools and communities. Our venues are normally a hotel conference room, or a training room for corporate’s or public sector staff teams and an assembly hall for schools staff and pupils. This type of interactive training is delivered in person, so I wasn’t sure how it was going to work online, and it was surprising how well it was received. The participants were all from an online school I am part of and working as a mentor, so as part of my mentor role, I decided to test this and delivered 2 Positive Parties sessions over 2 weeks and everyone had a ball. It was such fun and even thought I felt people would know many of the tools already, it was refreshing as I was delivering it the unique ‘party style’ which no other company does only, Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference.’ Watch this space for more Positive Parties online Laughter, Learning & Fun.
The excitement builds as more and more interest from Trainers/Facilitators, NLP Practitioners, Life and Business Coaches, Teachers from all over the world are getting in touch to inquire about the 3 day training event taking place this August to enable those who fit the criteria, to become Positive Parties Licensees. This is an amazing opportunity for anyone who wants to have an unique ‘add on’ service to offer as part of their their coaching, consultancy or training business. To get a ‘foot in the door’ with many companies and sectors, you need to have something to offer that is totally different and Positive Parties certainly does have the X Factor when it comes to interactive training material and delivery. As Einstein said “Keep it simple, make it fun!” That’s what Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’ does in a nutshell -: use the teachings of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness and deliver them in a way that is full of fun. In ‘party style’ training, the participants always remember what they have learned because they have laughed and had such a good time. Many adults forget whats it like to have been childlike and play party games, so Positive Parties brings out that child again in everybody. Even those team members who are sky and call themselves introverts, do get into ‘the spirit’ of it and enjoy the new teachings and tools that help them be have a more positive attitude at home, at work and in relation to their health and well-being. Everyone Has the opportunity to reflect on the bigger picture, not sweat the small stuff and appreciate all the good they have in their lives. Happy people, lead to positive teams, which means a creative and productive workforce. Its a win win for everyone.
If you would like to book a Positive Parties workshop for your team or you are interested to becoming a Positive Parties Licensee in your area or part of your world, please contact me, PP Founder Denise Devlin on 0044 7790793130 or email me on denise@positiveparties.com
Positive Parties Makes A Difference
Positive Parties continues to make a difference to people from all sectors – pupils and teachers in schools, teams in corporates and public sectors, clients, volunteers and staff in communities and Irish dancers, in our niche market and seperate website http://positivedancing.com/
Here is Denise with World Champion Irish Dancer Caoimhe Devlin, who is not a relation, despite the same surname. Coaoimhe is 14 and a 4th time World Champion Irish Dancer. She is cover girl in October’s Irish Dancing & Culture Magazine and we are delighted and honoured that Positive Parties got a few mentions in Caoimhe’s 4 page interview.
Denise has been working with Caoimhe now since 2011, helping her positive mindset before major competitions. The dedication, disapline and commitment from this young girl is amazing, plus she is of course a highly talented at dancer and she is constanlty working to keep herslf up to the highsest standard. Her Irish Dancing School, McConomy Bradley Doherty Academy, first employed Positive Parties Founder & CEO, in 2011 to work with their dancers. This led to Denise’s name becoming known in the world of Irish Dancing and Dance Teachers were telling parents, who would bring thier children, from all over Ireland to have a Positive Coaching seesion with Denise.
The World Dancing Champion Cyra Tylor, who is now travelling the world and part of the team in Lord Of the Dance gave thid glowing testimonail of her expereince working with Denise.
“I’ve had such great experiences working with Denise and positive parties @Dance throughout my years of dancing. She most definitely helped me remain positive, calm and always striving to achieving my goals. Positive dancing coaching has also helped me in day today situations, not just with dancing. I will take the lessons with me as I enter my new chapter with Lord of the Dance.”
Cyra Taylor
So, not only do we improve the positivity @Work @Conference @School @Community @Sport @Dance, ALL our tools and techniques, assit with life. Making a differnce in a way that makes us stand out because we dleiver in such a fun and unique way, our teachings will not, or cannot be forgotten.
We have exciting times ahead. All will be revealved in our next Latest News.
To book book your Positive Party Workshop, Session or Programme, call now 0044 2871517320 or email info@positi veparties.com
Spring 2018 – Rachel Bird joins the PP Team & our new website www.positivedancing.com
Winter has passed and the weather this spring is so unpredictable. One minute the sun is shinning and the next its raining and cold, and at times the rain and cold seems to last longer. A lot like life really, as we continue our journey, we don’t know what is coming up next and although we may think we have everything all planned out, sometimes it just doesn’t turn out that way and at times like these ATTITUDE is everything! A Positive Mental Attitude! And that’s what we teach at our Positive Parties workshops.
The past few months have been busy delivering, as always in a variety of sectors, including Bryson Care, Food Standards Agency and Enagh Youth Forum, just to name a few.
In all our Positive Parties workshop delivery, the main topics we cover are:-
Positive Mental Attitude
Productivity & Motivation
Brain training tools
Positive Self belief & High Self esteem
Work or School/Life balance
Stress busters & Self-awareness
Building rapport
The importance of self-care, relaxation, laughter & FUN
Feedback is always excellent. Thanks to all the Food Standards Agency staff for their positive participation & all the laughter during their Positive Parties team building workshop in April. The team had attended a Treasure Hunt at Queens in the morning and came back to the office to a surprise of a Positive Party in the afternoon.
We were delighted with the fantastic feedback. They all liked the positivity tools, the laughter, the learning, moving about, prizes, party bags and the FUN! And it’s always great to have answers to the evaluation form question ‘What would you change about the workshop?…… “Make it longer.” “It would be good to try the whole day.” “More time.”
Thanks again for having Positive Parties as part of your Away Day.
#Teambuilding #PositiveMentalAttitude #PositiveMentalHealth
WELCOME to Rachel L Bird, coach, actress, professional speaker, fabulous facilitator and a new leader & asset to the Positive Parties ‘Training With a Difference’ Team.
Rachel visited PPHQ in February for ‘in house’ training, plus has been ‘out on the job’ observing Positive Parties ‘in action’ and co-facilitating for her new role.
She had already been thrown in at the deep end, presenting at a conference for Positive Parties in November and did an amazing job.
Rachel is a women of many talents, so she’ll be doing some marketing too for PP. She may give you a call!
Wishing Rachel good luck & positive vibes. Delighted to have her come onboard.
Last but not least, Positive Parties has expanded and we have a new business venture called Positive Dancing. This new website www.positivedancing.com is a breakaway from Positive Parties @Dance. This Positive Dancing brand will focus totally on training, coaching and resources to assist in the positive mindset and attitude of all Irish Dancers, Irish Dancing Schools and Teachers and a support for Irish Dancers parents too.
For further information on Positive Parties workshop for your staff team, pupils or communities or to book a one to one or Positive Dancing workhop , call Denise on 0044 7790793130 or PPHQ on 0044 2871517320. We look forward to hearing from you.
Britain’s Got Talent audition, Truths and reflections of 2017 & positive vibes for 2018
Happy New Year, may 2018 be full of good health, happiness, prosperity and love. For this Latest News, Positive Parties Founder, Denise Devlin, shares some truths about last year and truths about how sometimes hibernation and reflection are the most positive actions of all.
It’s time to tell the truth. The truth of how I have been feeling this past year. The truth of how I have retreated from social media and networking and taken time to really connect in again to that Divine part of me that I feel I’d forgotten along the way. It has been both amazing and terrifying, amazing on a personal development level and for my spiritual growth, yet terrifying for my ego! Who is Denise Devlin and why am I feeling like this? What happened that driven, ambitious woman who was so so passionate about growing her business and why did her energy and passion for Positive Parties slow down?
Well the answer was evident, The Universe wanted to slow me right down and that began this time last year when I was feeling ‘not my usual bubbly self.’ I had no energy and I was so exhausted I felt like a zombie some days. I also had very low mood, which is not ideal when you are the Founder of Positive Parties! Plus the brain fog was bad! I was so forgetful and couldn’t even remember words at times. Again not good when you are in the middle of presenting a PP workshop! So, thanks to some special friends who encouraged me, I did eventually go to my GP (my ego kept me from going for a while as I thought I knew all the strategies there are to know about being and keeping positive). To cut a long story short, there was a reason, as we discovered I had Hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid, which explained a lot. Thankfully the thyroid medication has helped balance it, so that’s good news and by mid Feb my energy was back and my positive vibes had returned.
In the meantime, and with my usual enthusiasm, I was delivering Positive Parties to schools, public sector, organisations, communities but I had NO desire whatsoever to post about where I was or what I was doing on social media. Bazaar I know, since I was so ‘full on’ on the social media platform for years but to be quite honest I feel I just sickened myself of it and when I wasn’t feeling it, well it was the last thing I wanted to do. I used to actually feel sick if I went on FaceBook or any social media, so I just didn’t. Also, when I took photos on my camera at PP workshops, meaning to come back and post them online, I’d know in the pit of my stomach that I wasn’t meant to.
Another reason, and I have no doubt that on a higher consciousnesses this was part of the overall plan, for my hibernation and silence is that on the 1st March I started writing a book which I completed on the 29th June. Yet again, I was not meant to be my former busy busy self while doing this. The book was hand written and I then shelved it over the summer. It was after my CPD training trip to Denver in September, which I thought was going to be about Positive Parties but ended up being about the book, I came home and typed it up. It is presently being proof read and will be making it ways to Balboa Press for publishing very soon. Watch this space!
Many people can be busy with their careers and business and write a book, but I was clearly guided to focus on just this task of the book. I knew it was part of my path and my surrendering to this fact made the process enjoyable. There were days though when I would feel so guilty for not doing all the sales, marketing and networking of old, yet there was a complete sense of peace too, with a deep knowing that all would fall into place in time and that I just had to trust the process.
Elizabeth Lesser’s book ‘Broken Open’ was a God send read, which I would recommend to anyone. She talks about transition and that’s what this has been for me. Yet through it all I have always had hope, trust and faith knowing that I am being guided by The Universe/Source/Spirit/God. ‘The Intuitive Experiment’ as I have called it, has given me so many signs to guide me. I’ll not go into them here but friends who have heard the stories know only too well that…… ‘You couldn’t make it up!’
So, to top it all, last Thursday I was sitting in my office reading a great book by Kathrin Wyss, a lovely new friend I made in Denver, called ‘Dare To Trust,’ and the phone rang. It was a researcher from Thames TV, she said she saw Positive Parties on the Entertainment Ideas website and said the team would like to come and talk to me as they thought it was a great concept. I asked what programme they were from and she said Britain’s Got Talent. Of course I thought it was a joke but the researcher said she really wanted something different. I told her I was going on a training workshop at the weekend so I would not be around. I told her to look on the video on the PP website and if she still felt it was suitable to call me back. I went back to reading my book! Ten minutes later she called back and said yes, they wanted to see me and could I come to Belfast the next day. Mum had arranged to meet my mother-in-law for lunch anyway, so it seemed like it was meant to be. So instead of mum taking the bus to Belfast as planned, her and I off drove there for my Britain’s Got Talent audition! Random or what!
When I arrived there was a long queue, but the team were expecting me so I got taken up to the front of it! I really felt as if it wouldn’t work, doing a Positive Parties taster in just 5 -10 mins, but once I got in front of the camera, it was as if a light switch went on in me again! I lit up. I was so excited telling them about Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’ about how the idea was born through Divine Intervention, and how companies, schools and communities love this fun and interactive way of learning new tools, techniques and strategies. My audition was such fun, the Thames TV team really enjoyed it and the camera man was laughing so much too. Next steps are, they bring their recommendations and the filmed audition back to London for the management production team to view and if they like it, well I’ll hear back by Feb 2018.
Now, to be honest, I have my feet firmly planted on the ground and know that nothing may come of this. As 12 year old Orla said “Mummy, not meaning to be cheeky here, but Positive Parties isn’t a talent!”lol! It does seem crazy but the team did say they are always looking for new things. I told the researcher I wouldn’t go on as the silly act though, as this is my business and that the teachings behind the interactive activities are serious, even though they are delivered in a fun ‘party style’ environment!
For me, being called twice and asked to meet the team and audition, really made me look at all I have achieved and really believe again that not only has Britain Got Talent, but that I’ve Got Talent, through the Divine guidance that give me this light bulb moment and then the passion to bring this wacky idea of the PP concept to fruition. I just have to look over the evaluation sheets of all the hundreds of Positive Parties and thousands of people, I have delivered to over the past seven years to know that this ‘Training With A Difference’ has made a difference in so many sectors.
I feel, me taking a step back was probably triggered by the loss of my dearest school friend and soul sister Fi in May 2016. Fi was always a seeker and thrived in doing inner work. I took 4 months off social media then too. Then in the Sept I came back all Gung-ho, posting about my 50th B’day party, our new chickens, doing FB lives, and basically being ‘full on’ all from my head. When I started to feel low ‘energy wise’ and ‘very flat’ in the November 2016 this lead to finally giving in to it all and Breaking Open! By Breaking Open we get to go deeper, reflect, and come back to who we really are. Now, I know I lost myself along the way, rushing here there and everywhere because that’s what we are told you are meant to do when growing a business. My head was saying Go Go Go, however my heart and soul needed me to Stop Stop Stop!
So why now, why am I writing this long post, full of truths and vulnerability? Well as the quote says ‘It’s ok to be sacred. Being scared means you are about to do something really really brave.’ And for me having the courage to step back and totally listen to my intuition, that was scary. And when the book comes out, to launch it, that will take more courage too.
So, I am out of hibernation and I am going to step back onto the social media platform again, but not in the same way as before. Looking back, I feel I was so focused on building relationships online to grow my business I forgot about my relationship with myself and my light within. I know my husband Neil and our daughters (12 & 14) can see and feel the difference too. I am more present at home now and it took this journey for it to be so, for that I am forever thankful.
If you have read this article, thank you for taking time to do so and I look forward to connecting with you again, this time not from my head, only my HEART.
Much Love and light
Denise xoxo
Great feedback, as always, and new resources to assist participants who are going through the Phoenix Process
It’s been 4 months since we posted Latest News but during that time we have been delivering more Positive Parties @Work and Positive Parties @School, and as always receiving lots of fantastic feedback.
We did take ‘time out’ during the summer to rest and rejuvenate plus Positive Parties Founder Denise Devlin, has been researching new ways of making Positives Parties ‘Training With A Difference’ have an even bigger impact on participants who, after the training are inspired to continue their journey of self-awareness.
A recent book Denise studied is Elizabeth Lessor’s ‘Broken Open’, which is an excellent resource form those who are going through a hard time and feel as if they won’t get out the other side. Elizabeth tells of her own journey during her divorce and gives examples of others poignant stories.
Positive Parties does give great techniques of how positivity helps in life, but there are times we, as they say, ‘can’t see the wood form the tress’ and just have to be in that place and feel the feelings until we come out the other side. This is what Elizabeth describes as the Phoenix Process and this is how we grow. Personal development and growth is crucial on our journey through life and resources such as ‘Broken Open’ can help those in a ‘not so good’ place, thus assuring them they are not alone and that there are tools available.
As always we like to share the fabulous feedback we receive after our Positive Parties workshops. After delivering to a St Patrick’s College, Dungiven, recently, a 4 hour session as part of a staff development day with the focus on team building and positive mental health, 28 out of 30 staff said they would recommend Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’ to colleagues, family and friends. Some feedback as follows! :
“It was a great experience, very interactive and kept which kept you focused throughout. I learnt to be a positive role model and how my attitude can affect others. Super training exercise. Would recommend it.”
“I liked that it was something different and fun. Learnt that I can shift my mind-set and become more positive.”
“The interaction helped to relax and involve everyone. I learned to concentrate more on my positive thoughts. This type of training makes you get involved and the more involved you are, the more you get out of it.”
“I liked getting up and being involved in activities. I learnt to be more aware of myself and be more positive.”
“I loved the cheerful atmosphere and learned not to be so hard on myself. It was excellent, very positive and helpful. Thank you.”
“It was good fun learning about positive mental attitude and strategies to develop this. Thank you, a very enjoyable experience.”
“Thank you Denise, your enthusiasm makes these workshops entertaining and fun.”
“I enjoyed learning new techniques to try to become a more positive person and have less negativity in my life. I found this training very interesting and hope to learn more.”
“I loved Denise’s infectious energy and positivity. I learned new techniques for better positive mental attitude.”
“I really liked that there were NO PowerPoints. Denise was very pleasant and easy to listen to.”
“This was such fun. I leaned lots about NLP, we need this type of training more often!”
If you are interested in booking our Training With A Difference OR joining the Positive Parties company to deliver the workshops and programmes in your area, please contact Denise on PPHQ – 0044 28 71517320 Mobile – 0044 7790693130 Email – denise@positiveparties.com
Spring 2017 – Freshness, motivation, fab feedback and recommending ‘Solve for Happy’
Spring is here and with spring comes a freshness, motivation and a zest of good feelings that the brighter nights and colours of nature tend to bring. In our training delivery too, we like to bring fresh ideas plus new personal development research and books that we have recently studied and can incorporate into our delivery.
An exciting book that we are currently introducing called ‘Solve for Happy, written by Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer at Google X. Mo, a successful engineer and entrepreneur, was always fascinated by the challenge or rebooting happiness when it seemed elusive. His analytic mind broke down the problem of happiness down into its smallest components, adopting a facts-driven approach that would be scalable and replicable. As a software developer, he set a target to find the code that could be applied to anyone’s life. Then the his son Ali died unexpectedly and Mo’s algorithm for happiness became a practical, personal and profoundly urgent problem. This book and Mo’s research has made a big impression on the Positive Parties team, thus we now discuss and recommend ‘Solve for Happy’ at our Positive Parties workshops and at conferences & events.
As always we like to share the fabulous feedback we receive after our Positive Parties workshops. After delivering to a Primary School recently, a 4 hour session as part of a staff development day with the focus on positive mental health, 34 out of 35 staff said they would recommend Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’ to colleagues, family and friends. Some feedback as follows! :
“The positive energy from Denise spread throughout the room which soon erased all anxiety and fear. It was a lovely way to spend the morning – throughly enjoyed the experience.”
“The interaction helped to relax and involve everyone. I learned to concentrate more on my positive thoughts. This type of training makes you get involved and the more involved you are, the more you get out of it.”
“Information was interactive and fun. I learned about the power of positive thinking.”
“I really liked the positivity and having a good time with work colleagues”
“Very interactive, fast moving pace, everyone felt comfortable. Fantastic help and tips Definitely very informative. A great morning, thank you.”
“Thank you Denise, your enthusiasm makes these workshops entertaining and fun.”
“It was extremely relaxed and interactive. We were free to say no but most of us were able to overcome anxieties. I loved the games, dancing, music and fun element, Thanks so much for giving me strategies to deal with stress of daily life.”
“It was a such a fun, lovely and relaxing day. I was quite stressed/emotional before I arrived at school, much more relaxed now. Thank you. I learned to be more positive, it comes within and remember to appreciate what I have.”
“I learned how to manage negative thoughts, we all have them. I really liked the fun way this was delivered. It was a lovely relaxing fun filled workshop.”
“I liked the fun element, active and relaxed.” I will now spend less time focusing on negative thoughts. It was an enjoyable, positive day.”
If you are interested in booking our Training With A Difference OR joining the Positive Parties company to deliver the workshops and programmes in your area, please contact Denise on PPHQ – 0044 28 71517320 Mobile – 0044 7790693130 Email – denise@positiveparties.com
Positive Vibes for 2017 AND Positive Feedback for Positive Parties, as always 🙂
Welcome to the first Positive Parties Latest News of 2017. May your year be happy, healthy, positive and prosperous.
Its been an interesting few months since the last Positive Parties Latest News. October, November and December 2016 were busy with Training With a Difference for a variety of organisations in the corporate, public sector and voluntary sector as well as charities.
We had a fantastic day at the Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Women’s Week, which was aimed at promoting heath and well being for the all women staff in the Council as it linked in with October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. The ladies who came along to the workshop were all from different departments from across the Council. Some attended with work colleagues and others were came alone and joined in the learning and the fun. The feedback was brilliant and it is always so refreshing to see and hear people enjoy the connections with organisational colleagues that they formally didn’t know before they came along to the Positive Party.
Here is just some of the positive feedback:-
“I really liked that it was delivered in a very entertaining style. Very good, very different from anything I have experienced before.” Paula Donnelly, HR Manager, Derry City & Strabane District Council
“Loved the fun and the high energy. Excellent course.” D Donnell
“I really liked the interaction with my colleagues. Denise is an amazing & wonderful trainer. Very inspirational.” Jackie Doherty
“I really liked meeting positive minded people and hoping to do new things out of my comfort zone. I learned lots of new techniques to be positive & keep calm. It was a great day, need to do it annually.”
“Excellent training. It was such fun and upbeat. Denise got everyone involved while instilling really important messages and new tools in the team.” Amy Dillon
“I loved the energy in the room and earning tools to handle different situations. Excellent.” Cathy Burns
With Supporting Communities NI, SureStarts throughout NI and many more Councils and Companies using Positive Parties for Team Building and Development Days, our reputation is growing as Directors, CEO’s and HR Managers can validate how our Training With A Difference makes an impact on the positive mental attitude, positive mental health, lowers stress levels, motivates and increases the productivity of their staff teams.
As well as delivering team building days, at health & well being weeks and presenting at conferences, we are currently working on a Tentastic Project with the Something Special Academy, which is delightful.
We have many exciting plans for delivering and growth for the year ahead. So, watch this space!
If you are interested in booking our Training With A Difference OR joining the Positive Parties company to deliver the workshops and programmes in your area, please contact Denise on PPHQ – 0044 28 71517320 Mobile – 0044 7790693130 Email – denise@positiveparties.com
How Positive Parties was created and the 7 Year Itch! 🙂 By PP Founder Denise Devlin
On the evening of the 18th August 2009 the idea for Positive Parties was planted in my mind, heart & soul, it was Divine Inspiration for sure. From that moment, brainstorming in my friends house in Belfast, I had this ‘knowing’ that something would come of this and I had to follow my dream. 9 months later, I delivered my first Positive Parties workshop to the Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group and Karen Mullen (who’s birthday just happens to be on the 18th Aug!) took a chance on me & PP that day, the rest is history! With the support of Neil, my family, friends, Women in Enterprise NI gals and others (too many to mention) along the way, Positive Parties grew and grew, and before I knew it I was all over the country delivering in schools (both pupils & staff), voluntary sector, public sector, corporate’s, and working with Irish Dancers and presenting at conferences and business events. As with any business there have been ups and downs along the way for sure, thankfully a lot more up’s! Being awarded Female Entrepreneur at the Strabane Business Awards in Oct 2015, was both amazing & humbling for me.
So, then came, what I can clearly see now as the ‘7 year itch!’ This past Spring, I was feeling as if I had l lost the tremendous passion that I had for PP. After delivering a PP workshop the evaluation forms were excellent as always, but I felt there was something missing. I took time out to study for my NLP Master Practitioner qualification and I was sure I would come back with ‘zest’ once it was completed. 2 weeks later however my gorgeous, kind & wonderful school pal and soul sister Fi passed away, I was devastated and took more time our to grieve. In my mourning for my very dear friend, I realised that I had become a bit consumed with Positive Parties, developing it over the years and my time spent on social media was taking over too. So, a sabbatical naturally evolved, I was tired, I needed to stop and I needed time to think of where I wanted to go and what changes I would make to bring back the positivity, love & passion for doing what I do and sharing the joy with others. I have franchisees waiting in the wings for me to take the next step and once I start delivering at the end of August with the newly revamped Positive Parties, I’ll be raring to go again. Sometimes fear has crept in, I felt lost and wondered WHY Universe, why give me this great business idea and then leave me all confused! Well, the answer is in this quote from Albert Einstein ‘The monotony & solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.’ It all makes sense now, I was always on the GO! How could I take Positive Parties to the next level when I was rushing about like a mad thing! lol! Daily meditation and walks around Hollyhill have certainly grounded me again.
So this autumn, I am celebrating 7 years of a Divine idea, with such gratitude to have had the Positive Parties ‘pot’ to be able to choose to take ‘time out’ to reconnect with Source, my family & friends and recharge the batteries. Here’s to the next 7 years of Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’. I have a clear vision but I am also going with the flow and the Universe will guide me to where I am suppose to go. Happy Days #BringItOn Denise
If you are interested in booking our Trianing With A Difference OR joining the Positive Parties company to deliver the workshops and programmes in your area, please contact Denise on PPHQ – 0044 28 71517320 Mobile – 0044 7790693130 Email – denise@positiveparties.com
Positive Mindset – Improving the mindset, motivation, productivity and well-being of your workforce
This Positive Mindset Programme brings together three evidenced based methodologiesNeuro Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Positive Psychology to form a unique development programme for today’s staff, managers and leaders. This training will give tools that work as a manual for the brain and techniques on how to become more resourceful and train your mind so that the ever-so-helpful “server” that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life communication–both with yourself, and with others. Learning Positive Mindset tools enables attitudes and methodologies of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results, be an excellent communicator, resourceful and optimistic, especially during times of challenges and change.
This unique programme has been designed for delivery using the Positive Parties MINDFUL method:-
Mental attitude –a positive mental attitude transforms your outlook. We teach you ways to do this on a daily bases
Interactive – We don’t use the traditional method of training, this programme is very interactive, NO power point or pages of handouts. After all, 90% of what is learned is remember when doing
NLP – We use NLP, which is a set of tools and techniques to help deal with unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour (some you won’t even know you have) and to introduce new, positive and constructive ways to improve your life.
Development – The personal development activities that we cover assist to highlight self-awareness and improve self-confidence and self esteem.
Fun – At this training we guarantee, laugher and fun. Research shows that adult learning is more effective in a positive emotional state: when it’s fun!
Unique – This training is in the form of a Party, yes you read it correctly………A Positive Party! Be prepared to have a truly memorable positive experience with music, games, prizes and you even leave with a party bag too!
Learning – We give you tools and resource for Positive Mindset lifelong learning that you can use long after this training to continue your appetite for CPD in this field of NLP and positive psychology.
At the end of this workshop participants will:
- Know how to maintain a Positive Mindset throughout their lives using theMINDFUL method KISS (Keep It So Simple) Tools
- Have innovative NLP, CBT and mindfulness tools on how to be Positive & Awakened employees
- Effectively know how to use fun brain training techniques to shift negative thinking patterns reoccurring
- Be component in anchoring a positive experience/memory.
- Have valuable tips on how reduce stress and enjoy higher levels of self control and well-being
- Identify their own resourceful affirmations and visualisations to use to achieve abundance, success and work/life balance
- Understand the importance of ‘minding the mind’ and have a Positive Plan to ensure, plenty of self care, relaxation, laughter & FUN
- Use a Positive Mindset skills strategy to enhance enjoyment at work, as well knowing how to deal with the busyness and stresses that can occur working in the public sector.
- Be fully aware of how their attitude is crucial to making them a positive or negative person. It’s all about CHOICE and how they perceive the world.
Who will benefit from attending?
All Staff! Any company, business, school, college, charity seeking to improve their employees overall mindset to being more positive and as well as improving their level of performance, motivation, productivity and well-being.
People often ask “What is Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference?’ What do you do? How can staff possibly learn new ways of thinking in a ‘party style’ environment?” Well they can, they do and it works. Feedback is always excellent. We can send you the proof. Customers include Allianz, Pramericia, First Source, Tesco and public sector Belfast City Council, Education Authority, North West Regional College ,Public Health Agency to name just a few.
Email me denise@positiveparties.com or call me directly on 0044 (0)7790793130 if you wish to have a chat about how we can assist your team.
Best wishes & positive vibes
Denise Devlin
CEO and Founder of Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference’
What happens when your Best Friend dies? Lessons for Denise, wisdom from Fi.
Positive Parties Founder/CEO Denise Devlin, uses this Latest News to talk about losing her Best Friend Fi and the impact its has on her life, both personally & in business and the gifts of wisdom at this sad time.
What happens when your Best Friend dies, or as I prefer to put it, ‘passes over?’ You take time out and slow down. And it’s in the slowing down that you feel your feelings to grieve and heal. And in the silence, comes new ideas, with the assistance from your Best Friend from afar of course.
Not the usual title or story in a Positive Parties Latest News post, is it? Certainly not, but I have never been one to follow the rules and I guess this is no exception. Especially when I can hear Fi’s voice saying ‘”Go on Del, just do it!”
My gorgeous friend and soul sister Fi, Fiona Mooney, passed over on the 20th May 2016, just 49 years old, with so much more to offer the world, but the Universe had other plans. Fi’s 2 children, partner, her family, friends and the wider community can’t imagine life without her and the wonderful memories linker, while the pain will go on.
I took this past month to slow down and grieve, as I feel I needed to be in the silence for a while just to be with the pain. I am now getting back into promoting Positive Parties ‘Training With A Difference,’ taking bookings, scheduling meetings, delivering, sending proposals, talking to potential franchisees and all that goes with running a business, but this time pacing myself! Just ‘being’ has served me well and given me the time to reconnect again and reflect on the past 6 years, as I have been working so hard developing and growing Positive Parties. While I have been so very busy, I had almost forgotten why I set up this ‘Training With A Difference’ company in the first place …………………….‘To make learning FUN and inspire others to see the light within themselves.’
One of the many things Fi was great at, was taking time to ‘slow down.’ ‘Busying up’ (as she called it!) was something she didn’t like to do and when it got to life becoming ‘too rushed’ with running her coaching business ‘Health Crisis Coaching International’ and juggling family life, she would pull back, as she liked to ‘walk the talk.’
As one of the speakers at BorderBiz Camp in Monaghan on the 18thJune, I spoke of how losing my dear friend has been devastating but in this time of slowing down and reflection there have been such valuable gifts and lessons for me. I share with you all a video of Fi that her partner Mike Stole took in Feb 2014, ‘Notes to Future Self.’ Please do take 6 minutes to watch and listen, its so inspiring. Just click on this link – Note To Future Self
Some words from Fi that I’ll never forgot ……”May I live profoundly but not seriously and have the wisdom and the courage to feel, hear and follow my own wisdom and have fun doing it. And never ever stop exploring, ever, that’s when you are alive, be curious, be vulnerable.”
So what else do you do when your Best Friend dies? You cry buckets and treasure the heartfelt memories BUT most of all you cherish her kindness, wisdom, humour, and how she was so full of love and you LISTEN and ACT on her wise words ……”Choose to love yourself……..Put down the dramas, the old stories and limiting beliefs and choose to be present and learn from what life is offering up at any given time. …….Future Self have a lot of fun.”